After reading an article in the Early Bird on ID theft and as a
person traveling around the mid-west giving identity theft workshops I
wanted to pass along some educational material to the readers on
identity theft.
The Federal Trade Commission reports that identity theft has been the
NUMBER ONE consumer complaint for TWELVE consecutive years. The WI DATCP
has now added it their list as the source of the fastest rising group
of consumer complaints. Here are just a few facts:
• There are currently over 27,000 NEW identity theft victims
• Over 512 million Americans’ Identities have been reported lost or stolen since January 20010.
• Over400,000 dead people opened bank accounts last year.
• The revenue from trafficking financial data has surpassed that of drug trafficking.
– US Secret Service
• Over3.5 million children have already fallen victim to identity theft in the US.
“Identity Theft is poised to increase by a factor of 20 over the next
two years. The criminals are still trying to figure out what to do with
all the data.”
• You are THREE times more likely to have your identity stolen than you are to have your house or car broken into.
• The average dollar amount charged in Identity Theft:
• The average time taken by a victim to restore their identity is
607 hours.
• Most identity theft issues are non-credit related.
What most people don’t understand and I get statements like “with my
credit they can have mine identity” or “my bank and credit card company
watches over mine” is that there are
6 common types of ID theft not to
mention data breeches from companies large or small. The common types
are: Character & Criminal, Employment, SSA & IRS related,
Medical, Financial, Drivers License, and Minor Children & Elderly.
Each one of these has their own devastating results in lost time,
money and peace of mind, but the real kickers are the medical and
children areas. With medical, a person’s id is used to get medical
treatment. While that is bad enough, it isn’t as bad as your medical
records getting changed. I can’t tell you how many stories I’ve heard
on this. Just imagine, if you were killed in an accident and the
insurance company wouldn’t pay out to your spouse because you had an
illness like AIDS that you didn’t report, because you didn’t know this
was on your record. And with children, it could take up to 18 years for
them to find out that they are victims. Only 17% of this crime is
credit card and financial in nature. Your information is a gold mine to
these thieves. Not only will identity hurt an individual and their
families but their job performance as well because it takes time to
clean up after becoming a victim. The worst part is not finding out you
are a victim but what you have to do afterwards. I urge people and
maybe companies to get some sort of protection or learn the various ways
they can protect themselves. In looking at
protection there are some great plans on the market. My advice would be to prepare yourself by purchasing a plan that offers the following;
• Monitoring
• Reimbursement
• Fraud Alert Services
• Restoration Service and a Legal Plan
I have found that identity theft can also lead to many legal issues so
you need to consider these possible side effects: Criminal Charges,
Arrests (imagine getting your door busted open at 2AM by the SWAT team
because you committed a crime), Lawsuits, Garnishments, Civil Litigation's and even IRS Audits. Remember one thing, with Identity
Theft, YOU ARE GUILTY until proven innocent.
Richard Figley
Independent Associate
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