Saturday, November 26, 2011

Why I got Involved with LegalShield

 Why I Got Involved with LegalShield

I had been a member and associate of Prepaid Legal for 5+ years. I have always been a believer in insurance. When I heard the pitch for Prepaid Legal, the thought of having full access to attorney’s just made sense to me.

I can tell you about the traffic tickets where I have used Pre-Paid Legal to represent me in my presence and my absence. I can tell you about the countless calls that I have made to ask major and minor questions. Or the personal and business contracts that I have had the attorneys review and the countless phone calls that they’ve made on my behalf. When I tell someone that they will hear from my attorney…..I mean it!

As a business owner, to have a personal attorney on retainer for $27 per month to answer personal questions is priceless. Having said that, I think the biggest value is the peace of mind that no matter what the circumstance, I can ask an attorney questions and not have to worry how much it’s going to cost me. That’s the biggest reason why most people don’t seek legal help, the “thought” of the attorneys cost.

Recently the company was acquired by new owners, who took the company from a public company to a private company and has re branded under the name…..LegalShield. 

Prepaid Legal is now LegalShield! What a great idea! Why? Several reasons however, that’s exactly what the service provides for individuals and families. It Protects and Shields against life’s every day occurrences no matter how traumatic or trivial.

Here are the facts about the LegalShield membership:
  • Advice – Unlimited topics, personal or business, even on pre-existing conditions
  • 24/7 Emergency Assistance – After-hours consultation for legal emergencies. If you’re arrested, detained, etc.
  • Letters and Phone Calls
  • Legal Document Review (up to 10 pages)
  • Standard Will, Living Will and Healthcare Power of Attorney (yearly reviews of will included)
  • Motor Vehicle Services 
  • IRS Audit Services
  • Trial Hours (for member and spouse only)
LegalShield has services for Truckers, Corporations and Businesses. The company also has an Identity Theft protection service as well as a “Safeguard for Minors” program.

OK, here's what I would like you to do, go to my website HERE. If I can be of help to you and your family the decision is easy and the cost is only 89 cents a day.

If you are interested a Business Opportunity with LegalShield, go HERE to learn more.

Richard Figley

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Do You Have Children Going Off To College?

College Student Finds Her ID Has Been Stolen
Reported by: Katherine Johnson
Updated: 11/22 9:46 am Published: 11/21 2:51 pm
When Axton Betz applied for an apartment - rental and utility companies checked her credit, and she got some shocking news. The college student, who had never even taken out a loan or credit card, was thousands of dollars in debt. She requested her first credit report and, stunned, found page after page of unpaid accounts.

"I was devastated," Betz said.

Axton says the thief who stole her social security number started running up bills when she was just a kid.

With her credit ruined, she had to pay a deposit just to get the lights turned on. The lowest car loan rate she could get was 18%, and the lowest credit card interest rate she could get was 29%.

"It's been life changing and life defining," Betz said.

Recent studies report anywhere from 140,000 to 400,000 children a year are ID theft victims.

"The kids were being targeted at a rate of 51 times the adults," Bo Holland of All Clear ID said.
High-tech thieves take children's pristine social security numbers - add a fake name, then open a cell phone or utility account.

Just like that, a new credit history is established. And the theft usually isn't caught until the child becomes a young adult.

"The first day they go into the credit market when they're 18 they could be in for a very ugly surprise," Tom Sscherwitz, of ID Analytics said.

The new nd exploding part of the problem is that these numbers are being sold online.

All clear ID works with police on investigations and has special access to these underground criminal network sites, where kid's social security numbers are offered for only about $1.50 to $15.00.

"There are hundreds of these sites unfortunately," Holland said.

Experts say most of these numbers are gathered through viruses programmed to find financial documents on your computer like tax returns and medical records.

Some are even programmed for theft of school or hospital records.

"Parents should be alarmed, this is a very significant problem," Holland said.

Experts say limit the places you provide your child's social security number. If an agency requests it, ask why it's needed and what precautions are taken to keep it private.

Make sure your computer's virus protection is up to date, monitor your child's number.

"The longer the fraud goes uncovered, the harder it is to clear up the mess." Oscherwitz said.

Axton continues to clean up the mess. Letters from creditors still haunt her.

"I'm always wondering, ‘When is the next collection letter going to arrive?’ ‘When is the next court summons going to arrive?’"

She says not only did the thief steal her social security number, but they also stole her early adult years and turned them into a financial disaster.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Medical Identity Theft


  Like other forms of identity theft, medical ID theft can affect your finances; but it can also take a toll on your health. Identity thieves can use your personal and health insurance information to get medical treatment, prescription drugs or surgery.

It Can Take Many Forms

Like many diseases, medical identity theft has more than one form. For example, dishonest people working in a medical setting may use your information to submit false bills to insurance companies.
Also, every time a thief uses your identity to get care, a record is created with the imposter’s medical information that could be mistaken for your medical information-say, a different blood type, an inaccurate history of drug or alcohol abuse, test results that aren’t yours, or a diagnosis of an illness, allergy or condition you don’t have.

Warning Signs

  According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation’s consumer protection agency, you may be a victim of medical identity theft if:
• You get a bill for medical services you didn’t receive;
• A debt collector contacts you about medical debt you don’t owe;
• You order a copy of your credit report and see medical collection notices you don’t recognize;
• You try to make a legitimate insurance claim and your health plan says you’ve reached your limit on benefits; or
• You are denied insurance because your medical records show a condition you don’t have.

Reducing Your Risk

  While there’s no foolproof way to avoid medical identity theft, the FTC suggests the following steps:

• Be wary of offers of “free” health services or products.
• Ask for a copy of your medical records and review them for inaccuracies before you seek additional medical care. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule gives you the right to copies of your records that are maintained by health plans and medical providers.
• Shred your health insurance forms and prescription and physician statements.

  For more on how to protect your personal information and to remedy the effects of an identity theft, visit For more information about your rights under HIPAA, visit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights at

ID Theft Protection provided by Kroll 

Protect Yourself During the Holidays

 Go Here to get protected

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Delaware Ohio ID Thefts

Hundreds of credit card numbers stolen from local store

Published: Wednesday, November 9, 2011 5:15 PM EST
Text Size
A Delaware Police Department investigation into a rash of identity thefts has revealed that one source of the thefts is transactions at the Habitat for Humanity of Delaware County ReStore, 305 Curtis St. in Delaware.

Police detectives, working with information developed within the past week, contacted the ReStore after credit card statements revealed a potential link, according to a press release. A security audit confirmed the suspicion. The store worked closely with investigators to verify the issue, secure evidence and protect any future transactions. The investigation determined that as many as 444 separate card numbers were stolen during transactions that originated from the used building materials store.

Police have taken more than 100 reports of identity theft within the last month and believe there are other sources of theft related to the investigation that have yet to be identified.

"We continue to actively investigate these cases and are encouraging residents to take steps to protect their credit by closely monitoring their accounts for fraudulent activity and checking credit reports on a regular basis," said Police Chief Russ Martin in the release.

Please contact Rich Figley for more information on how to protect yourself and your family.

Get ID Theft Protection (click on Identity Theft Protection)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Franklin County Ohio Ranks #1

More than one out of every five arrests for identity theft in Ohio happened in Franklin County, according to the latest numbers released from the Ohio State Highway Patrol. The numbers reflect arrests between Jan. 2010 to Sept. 2011.
Franklin County leads the way with 118 arrests. Butler County came in second with 41 arrests.
Jennifer Meyer said she was a victim of identity theft in Columbus, after a friend who was living with her registered a car in her name without her knowledge. Meyer said she had no idea until a few weeks after her friend mysteriously disappeared and she came across the car title in her name.
"I can't say what I felt. I'll just say I was angry. If this was put in my name, where is it at?" she said.
A press release from the patrol said, "Anyone who has had someone else use their name, Social Security number or their likeness to commit a crime can understand how important it is that our troopers are trained to detect this type of criminal behavior."
According tothe patrol, 54 percent of those arrested for identity crime were also charged with having a suspended license. 15 percent of those arrested were also charged with an OVI.
Meyer said her suspected thief had a DUI and suspended license.
"I didn't think he'd do that to me. I really didn't expect him to do that to me," she said.

Rich Figley
Web Site

Friday, November 4, 2011

Identity Theft 2010 Statistics



The 2010 Identity Theft Stats are in and they are alarming numbers below is a recap by industry of the totals and percentages.


Number of Breaches:           4,853,708

 %of Records:                     30.0% 


Number of Breaches:            6,626,435

 %of Records:                       41.0%

Some of the Winners of 2010 for breaches in their security were.......

AvMed Health Plans                                         1,200,000

Educational Credit Management Corp             3,300,000 
Affinity Health Plan                                            409,000

BlueCross - Anthem - WellPoint                         470,000

BlueCross BlueShield - Triple S Management    400,000

Lincoln National Financial Securities                1,200,000

It looks like our Health Care System needs to upgrade their computer security a bit along with our Financial Institutions.

Remember......No company can stop you from becoming a victim of Identity Theft....When it happens get with the best in the business...Kroll International, provided by LegalShield

Rich Figley
Identity Theft Restoration


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Protecting Your Children's Identity

Thousands of children are victimized each year by a new, growing form of "high-tech" child identity theft.
We aren't talking about family members swiping kid's personal info, we're talking about criminals buying and selling your child's social security number.
The first time Axton Betz applied for an apartment was shocking: A college student who had never taken out a loan or credit card was thousands of dollars in debt.
"I was devastated," says Axton Betz, a child ID theft victim.
Axton says a thief stole her social security number when she was a kid.
Now the lowest car loan rate she can get is 18% and the lowest credit card interest rate is 29%.
"It's been life changing and life defining," says Betz.
Axton isn't alone. Recent studies show anywhere from 140,000 to 400,000 children a year are I.D. theft victims.
"The kids were being targeted at a rate of 51 times the adults," says Bo Holland, the CEO of All Clear ID, an identity protection company.
Thieves take kid's social security numbers, add fake names, open cell phone or utility accounts and establish new credit histories, borrowing more money.
"They turn 18 and go to start applying for student loans and they find out the credit's bad, because they were a victim of identity theft years before," says Officer Jeremy McClure, a crime prevention officer with the Sioux City Police Department.
Sometimes these numbers are sold online!
All clear ID works with police and has special access to black market web sites where kid's social security numbers are offered for as low as $1.50!
"There are hundreds of these sites unfortunately," says Holland.
Thieves can get those numbers from your computer with viruses programmed to find financial documents like tax returns and medical records.
Some are also from data breaches and thefts at schools and hospitals.
"Parents should be alarmed this is a very significant problem," says Holland.
Stay safe: don't give out your child's social security number easily. Make sure your computer's virus protection is up to date, and monitor your child's number.
"Be proactive, check accounts and credit reports regularly so that way you head off any problems as soon as possible," says Officer McClure.
Axton's still cleaning up the mess of a theft that didn't just steal her social security number, it turned her early adult years into a financial disaster.
"I'm always wondering when is the next collection letter going to arrive when is the next court summons going to arrive?" says Betz.
For more information on how to get restoration protection go here and click Identity Theft Shield from LegalShield,

Protect My Children's ID